Renette Vermeulen
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- “THE BEREANS WERE MORE NOBLE… IN THAT THEY RECEIVED THE WORD WITH ALL READINESS OF MIND, AND SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES DAILY, TO SEE WHETHER THESE THINGS WERE SO,” Acts 17:11 —————————————————————————————————————————————————— Noble-minded believers of Christ, get and read the free books and articles now The only aim is to help you grow in knowledge and in grace
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– About Me Testimonial Exegesis – Interpreting the Scriptures How to be saved Let’s Talk
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- © COPYRIGHT NOW UNBANNED PUBLICATIONS NONE OF THESE BOOKS AND ARTICLES ARE FOR SALE, YET THE CONTENT AND CONTEXT MUST NOT BE ALTERED, SOLD OR USED IN MATERIAL THAT IS SOLD, CLAIMED OR PREACHED AS PERSONAL PROPERTY AND REVELATION, OR MISUSED IN ANY WAY. Þ IF YOU FIND MY BOOKS FOR SALE, PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE FRAUDULENTLY SOLD BY PEOPLE WHO EXPLOIT MY WORK FOR PERSONAL GAIN The aim of this website is to help Jesus’ believers grow in knowledge and in grace! Jesus commanded, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received; freely give!” (Mt. 10:8.) True believers do not support or aid those who use ‘their ministries’ to enrich themselves; peddle the Gospel of Christ, and/or abuse the gifts and teachings, which the Holy Spirit had entrusted to them. True believers do not have to scheme and ‘lean on the arm of flesh;’ God Himself will supply all the real needs of His sincere workers and advance His Kingdom here on earth. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and the wonderful privilege to work ‘for’ God are not for sale.
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————SECRET SOCIETIES CONTROL THE RISE AND FALL OF RELIGIONS AND CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONSThis book is a 5-part study of Church History and Church Doctrine, which drastically influence our spiritual lives.It centers on the religious masonic “Beast From The Earth,” or the religious Christian world, (Rev. 13:11-18,) PART 1-5
Renette Vermeulen
PART 1, KINGDOM-NOW-HERE-ON-EARTH BEAST THAT CRUCIFIED JESUS The deceptive Kingdom-Now dogma is under control of secret societies, which focuses all attention on prosperity in this world instead of directing our attention to eternal life in heaven. What was the real motive of Hebrew secret societies to condemn Jesus during an all-night trial? What was the reason why the Hebrew Sanhedrin, (the judicial, ecclesiastical, and administrative council in ancient Jerusalem; members for the nobility, presided over by the Levitical high priest,) insisted that Jesus had to be crucified on a Roman cross, and not stoned for so-called “blasphemy?” [Encarta Dictionary.’] And what was the true role of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate under Caesar Augustus in Jesus’ terrible trial?
PART 2, MARTYRS AT THE GATES OF HADES; JESUS’ BAPTISM WITH FIRE The indwelling of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost empowered Jesus’ personally born again body of believers to evangelize the known world. What is Jesus’ ‘baptism with fire’ really? What does “the gates of Hades (not hell)” mean? The stoning of Stephen the first martyr. After Pentecost, the religious and political binging on blood began. Why the disciple-followers of The Way had to endure such horrible suffering for the truth of Jesus
PART 3, ROMAN CATHOLIC ASSAULT FROM WITHIN THE MIDST OF JESUS’ ASSEMBLIES Hebrew secret Societies infiltrated Jesus’ early assemblies of believers. What was the real purpose of Paul’s letters? The ‘infallible, godlike apostles’ and ‘perfect church’ are Roman Catholic Church myths. The apostles also had to grow in obedience and knowledge of God’s will and Word. The Truth about God’s contextual Word and REAL CHURCH HISTORY form our best defense against false teaching and other deception.
PART 4, FAIRY GODMOTHER MARY, CHRISTIAN GIANTS, AND THE ROMAN CATHOLIC/PROTESTANT CHURCH RING Protestants inherited pre-flood and post-flood Astrology, (the worship of the sun god, Mother earth, and the sky-god ‘christ’) from Roman Catholicism. Were fallen angels and pre-flood and post-flood giants real? Religion and Christianity were built on sexual and spiritual perversion. The pagan origin and meaning of temples/churches and their steeples. The concepts of Fairy Godmother (the mother of god) and the circus/fairy ring were incorporated into the Christian church.
PART 5, THE BODY OF CHRIST CONVERTED TO CHURCH AND CHRISTIANITY ‘Mother’ Mary: ‘co-creatrix’ and ‘co-redemptrix’ with Christ. Churches are the embodiment of ‘Mother’ Mary and their steeples embody the phallic, ‘life-giving’ sun god to produce Christians, which means “little gods.” “The poor man’s shack in the shadow of grandiose Christian Cathedrals.” Illiterate paupers were under control of ‘divine, royal’ priesthoods. The Catholic and Protestant doctrine of Theosis or ‘divine clergy’ was pushed into the translation of the King James Bible. Jesus is the Only Head of His body, but the deformed temple-church monster has thousands of ‘heads.’ Perverted, ruling elders opposed to Jesus’ serving “elderly.” Church sacraments/rituals replaced Jesus’ atonement.
Find the counterpart of “Secret Societies Control the Rise and Fall of Religions and Christian Denominations”
Unbanned Bible Publications: SECRET SOCIETIES CONTROL THE RISE AND FALL OF EMPIRES(The Masonic Beast from the Sea or Political World; Revelation 13)Renette Vermeulen————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
THE INCREDIBLY FALSE CHURCH SYSTEM, Church Doctrine, their Brutal Murder on The Followers of The Way, and Cultic Activity Among the Believers of The Lord Jesus Christ, Endanger our Eternal LivesHuman opinion is insignificant compared to the genuine, contextual Truth and Commandments of Scripture. · FIND ON https://www.freeme2.co.za - CAN GOD HIMSELF AND HIS BODY OF TRUE BELIEVERS BE “THE CHURCH?” · FIND ON this website: The stoning of the first martyr, Stephen, and church murder on The First Disciples, THE FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY
FIND ON https://www.freeme2.co.za - The Healing of the Holy Spirit; Pentecost and Jesus’ baptism with the Holy Spirit; the Spirit’s baptism of believers into the body of Christ; the Spirit’s constant indwelling during the New Testament, and the ecclesia: the called-out assembly of believers in Christ: What is the Scriptural BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT and what can Believers ‘do’ to receive it?
The doctrine of the ‘evidence of speaking in tongues,’ the continual ‘filling’ of the Holy Spirit, demon-possession, etcetera, presented in question and answer form: SPEAKING IN TONGUES, “THE EVIDENCE” OF THE HOLY-SPIRIT BAPTISM - and Other Questions
►►► A lack of knowledge and the blind acceptance of false spiritual authority lead believers into the cultic claws of charismatic leaders like Jim Jones, David Koresh and thousands of other ‘sheep in wolves' clothing,’ while the humility and accountability of Jesus’ ‘elderly’ servants keep us safe from the danger of deception: KILLER CULTS
►►► By the end of the first century A.D., the rise of the ranking-order of so-called ‘bishops’ began, and the body of Christ lost Jesus’ Spirit of servanthood, discussed in: UNSCRIPTURAL HIERARCHY OF RULING CHURCH ‘ELDERS’ · ► Beware of the Christian Chameleon
►►► A study of love to all the ‘Israel Vision’ disciples, Messianic Jews, ‘Armstrongians,’ Jehovah’s Witnesses, Oneness Pentecostals (Jesus Only) and other Unitarians: SHOULD WE CALL GOD JEHOVAH, YAHWEH, YAHWAH, YAH, YESHUA, JESHUA, OR JESUS? Is Jesus’ Name
We do not even have to believe that Jesus IS the prophesied Hebrew Christ of the Old Testament; we only have to accept the indisputable historical and Scriptural evidence:
Find The Only Way to enter into the Kingdom of God and understand why many refuse to enter: Why Religious Jews and other Church and Temple Religionists Reject Jesus as Their Christ
►►► The true location and reality of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God: What is the Difference Between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
· The first disciples saw Jesus walk on water, yet reverently feared the religious ghosts and political storms of their time. Discover how that was possible: Kingdom-Now-here-on-Earth versus Spiritual Life in Jesus Christ
‘Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy;’ the true role of New Testament prophets; Baptismal Regeneration, ‘Satan the co-sin bearer with Christ;’ the ‘Sabbath seal of God;’ ‘Sunday, the mark of the beast;’ the ‘remnant church’ and many more gross twisting of true Scripture, discussed in:
FIND ON THE MAIN DOMAIN: “His Voice will not be heard in the streets,” Isa. 42:1-4. The founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Russell, was deranged with masonic dogma and so-called “revealed” end-time prophecy according to the masonic Egyptian Pyramids. Is “Jehovah” the ‘personal Name of God’ and Jesus the archangel Michael? They say only the 144,000 in heaven are ‘born again;’ the rest will live in a paradise on earth; everyone else will be annihilated: JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES AND MASONIC ORDERS; THE BIBLE AND THE WATCHTOWER
Read the original article on the OLD AND NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH in the Main Domain, as well as in the expanded, revised article of the APOSTOLIC CHURCHES on www.mylife4jesus.co.za
· THE PENTECOSTAL/CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT and the ORIGINS OF THE PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT ►►► Casting lots to determine the will of God for a particular situation – can it still be used in the New Testament?
►►►► NEW AGE MASONIC FLAT EARTHERS, TECHNOLOGY PHOBIA; WHAT FACTS AND GOD REALLY SAY · Flat earthers take verses totally out of context to conform to their ‘flat earth bible’ · The ignorance of Ancient Babylonians and the round squashed earth · The consequences of the flat earth/New Age worship according to God’s Word · Professor Dave explains perfectly how the pseudo science of flat earthers became spirit science ►► ► IN GENESIS 1, GOD TOLD US REPEATEDLY WHAT “THE FIRMAMENT” REALLY IS
· FIND ON freeme2.co.za — UFO SIGHTINGS. ALIEN ENCOUNTERS. EVOLUTION AND DINOSAURS? · Creation Itself Proves the Existence of God
►►►FIND ON www.mylife4jesus.co.za — “SELL YOUR CLOAK TO BUY A SWORD” What was Jesus really saying? · Beware of the Christian Chameleon · Can our Charity (Love) save people and change the world? Including: Charity – the Vital Topic still on Everyone’s lips
Sin we might overlook or misunderstand but which separates us from God · Finding Biblical Truth in our Day is a Dire Need
· WHAT WILL KEEP US OUT OF HEAVEN? Did Jesus tell the rich young ruler to be saved by works? · What is the Unpardonable sin — Blaspheming against the Holy Spirit? ►►►WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM ESAU’S HARD-HEARTED UNREPENTANCE? >>>>> What is the “blessed hope” we must have at Jesus’ “appearing?” · THE TWO-FOLD PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE AND ISRAELI TIMELINE ARE ILLUMINATI DECEPTIONS · NOT TESTING THE SPIRIT SPEAKING TO US IS “EXALTING OURSELVES ABOVE THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD”
Escaping abuse: ►►►THE GREAT DELIVERANCE DECEPTION · The book, DEALING WITH ABUSE AND ABUSERS GOD’S WAY · “My soul is Calm and Quiet like a weaned child” · ►► “DELIVER US FROM EVIL AND RESTORE OUR SOULS” · ►►►DEALING WITH THE CONTINUOUS SIN OF UNREPENTANT SPOUSES · ►►► THE STRUGGLES OF PEOPLE WHO WERE SEXUALLY ABUSED ARE MULTIFOLD · PSYCHOPATH FREAKS THAT DECEIVE AND CONTROL US — based on the parable of the “wheat and the tares” 1. Narcissists are everywhere, and they are dangerous predators of destruction 2. Narcissists work with demonic power and are addicted to sex, power, and control · ►► HOW TO AVOID GETTING STUCK IN BAD RELATIONSHIPS · THE TWO-PHASE WEDDING CEREMONY and LIVING TOGETHER — MARRIED IN GOD’S EYES?
· IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PSYCHIATRY AND BIBLICAL TRUTH · Does God speak through fear? What is fear and how do we deal with fear?
Read a few of my Bible-Based Short Stories in Afrikaans: Find another Afrikaans short story, which illustrates character growth in a traumatic situation:
APOLOGETIC DISCUSSIONS ON www.freeme2.co.za: The Messianic Judaism Deception Pentecostal Origins and teachings THE PROTESTANT REFORMERS, ROMAN CATHOLICISM, AND THE ILLUMINATI
VARIOUS OTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT BIBLE TRUTH COMPARED TO FALSE DOCTRINE: · God’s never-changing creation principles: · Marriage and divorce, abuse against women, children, and families · God’s holy angels · Heaven is a real place not a ‘state of mind’ · Orbs, personal and colored angels, and fairies · Demons, hell, purgatory, hades, etcetera according to the True Word of God
Updated: 2.7.2024 |
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