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In Genesis 1:6-8 God told us Exactly what “the Firmament in the midst of the waters with waters under and above it” really is.  “[The truth] is clearly shown [by the things] we can see and understand, so that we are without excuse” to manufacture lies about the Godhead and His creation,” (Rom. 1:18-25.) 


Renette Vermeulen


   Picture1.png    flat earth firmament.jpg  


[Acknowledgement to the people who complied and published these images] 

Above on left:  This is a photograph of the real, natural firmament as God Himself inarguably described it in Genesis 1:6-8. 

Above on right: This is a suggestion of the flat earth/thing/place, capped with a solid dome ‘firmament’ that contains the whole shrunken universe 


This study focuses on “the firmament,” which forms a huge part of what we need to know about God’s real Scriptural creation to discern the dangerous distortion of fact, logic, science, and above all God’s eternal Truth, to withstand the utterly unworkable, masonic ‘flat earth’ theory

Find lower on this page the dreadful corruption of God’s Word by that masonic agent Tyler Doka, who calls himself ‘Jesus Christ.’  He even pushes the spiritual “firmament,” God’s throne in  heaven, under his so-called ‘dome’ by confusing literal verses with allegorical verses. 

  Here is a link to the full study on the masonic flat earth theory and what they really did to God’s Holy Word to arrive at their silly conclusions


DECLARATION: I am not willing to base my beliefs on the conclusions OF MASONIC ORDERS, NASA, PSEUDOSCIENCE, ‘CREATION SCIENCE,’ EVOLUTION, CHURCH DOGMA, or other ILLOGICAL ABSURDITIES.  I always research my studies properly.  And in obedience to God’s commandments in Romans 1:18-32, I stand only on LOGIC FACT and what the Lord Jesus Christ really said in the real context, (not the abused so-called ‘context,’) of the whole Bible: what my eyes can see, and what my mind can logically understand, while “testing” every spirit and teaching according to the true context of Scripture as God commanded, (1 Ths. 5:21-22; 1 Jn. 4:1-4.)  If only people would realize that the demonic power behind the mind-bending distortions of Bible Truth is real.  Hence, Jesus continually warned, “Take heed that no one deceives you…” (Mt. 24;6,11,23-28,42.) 


Grounded in God’s Word in Romans 1:18-32 and in obedience to “test everything to see if it is from God,” everyone who believes either the global or the flat earth theory, should “examine” their beliefs as God commands, by answering the following simple question, which is only based on what we can clearly see happening before our eyes.

· If it is possible that the earth is NOT a globe although we can clearly see its shadow on the moon, etcetera, we can still unmistakably see the sun slowly dawning in the east.  It slowly rises over the horizon until it appears as a full globe in the sky.  It remains a full globe as it seems to “move” overhead, until it reaches the horizon in the west.  There, one can still clearly see the enormous globe that ascended in the east; now sinking slowly away beyond the horizon in the west.  It is now night on one side of the earth and on the other side of the earth it is day. 

· It is important to note that the sun does not get ‘smaller’ as it supposedly ‘disappears in the distance on a flat earth.’  And one definitely does not see it travel backwards to rise in the east again. 

· Thus, if the earth is NOT a globe, how does the sun get underneath the earth from the west to rise again in the east every day

· Truly logical answers may be sent via e-mail to nowunbanned@vodamail.co.za 


Some time ago, flat earthers came to visit me from about 500 kilometres away to convince me that earth is NOT a globe.  One befriended me from Brazil via email, while others befriended me on Facebook under a hidden agenda.  After months of patiently debating with one of them while he became increasingly disrespectful and unreachable with God’s Truth, I eventually blocked him on Facebook.  This “true believer” immediately sent his gang to attack my Facebook page by posting lies, slander, and false accusations everywhere among the comments in the posts. 

Shamelessly revealing the evil spirits behind their ‘flat-earth thing or place,’ they used foul language that will make a sewerage hole blush; invading my private life with false allegations and distorted perceptions; slandering my name, character, and work in the Lord.  I am supposedly mad and “will burn in hell because I believe the f****** earth is a spinning ball!” What nonsense: no-sense directly from the foul mouth of their father the devil!   Satan will never be so angry with anyone while they live in LIES.  These people merely confirmed that I speak the truth, praise God! 

So, God led me to unsheathe the TRUE SWORD OF HIS LIVING WORD against their flat earth dogmas that falsify the meaning of Bible Scripture.  In this article, THE REAL TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD, (NOT ME,) WILL FLATTEN FLAT EARTHERS ON THEIR ‘FLAT THING’ AS ‘PLANETS DO NOT EXIST.’ 



To confuse people with their literal ‘four corners of the earth,’ [which is allegorical  in this case,] flat earthers ask, “If the earth is a globe, how will the ‘whole world’ hear His voice when Jesus returns?  Well, the True God of Bible Scripture is ever-present.  So, the whole universe will hear His voice at His return.  This is an example of what flat-earth and other ‘preachers’ do with the word “context” to deceive believers and entomb them in Satan’s deception, (2 Cor. 11:13-15.)  To twist, add to, omit, ‘re-write,’ and ‘re-create’ God’s Word and His universe is witchcraft and idolatry, (1 Sam. 22-23.)  Additionally, the same word, sentence, or verse must often be interpreted either literally or spiritually to fit the context, which clergies misuse to drastically distort its meaning.  We should firstly interpret the whole Bible from the perspective of the New Testament, as God spoke before the cross and Pentecost through ‘mediating’ prophets, but in the New Testament He only gives Scriptural revelation through the Real Gospel Truth of His Son, Jesus Christ, (Heb. 1:1-2!) 

Everything we need to know about anything can be found by studying Scripture from the perspective of God’s New Covenant, (1 Cor. 10:11.)  But the real context is found in the specific Testament, the whole verse, the previous and following verses, and the passage in which it was written. We cannot find the truth of a subject by loosening distinct words, sentences, verses, or passages that pertain to that context, from one another.  The “entirety of truth” explains the real content of what is said, (Ps. 119:160!)  The entire sentence in the verse, the following and previous verses, as well as the context of the passage, will reveal the real truth about what is said.  That is why we cannot collect a word such as “firmament” randomly throughout the whole Bible to supply all those verses as proof of a dogma, which is exactly what all false teachers do.  In this way deceivers supposedly produce ‘hundreds of verses to prove’ a false teaching — which is uncontextual brainwashing to mislead gullible believers, (Rom. 12:1-2.) 


Genesis Chapter One details God’s literal creation on earth and how He came to prepare the earth to sustain physical life on this planet. (And yes, earth is a real planet. Since ancient times the planets were clearly seen in the sky and distinguished from the stars.) God’s entire Genesis creation was purely physical, (1 Cor. 15:46-49.) After that, only male and female humanity, who were created in His image, (not as spirits but as humans that resemble the “Image of the Invisible God,”) became spiritually alive when God “breathed His breath” into them, (Gen. 1:27-28; Col. 1:15; 1 Ths. 5:23.) God’s breath was not only physical life but also spiritual life, which no animal received. So, it is an illogical deception that Adam and Eve were first ‘spirits’ before they allegedly ‘became’ physical beings.

This is another fine example of how flat earthers, who call themselves “true believers,” disarray God’s Word to incomprehensibly twist the real form, function, and understanding of God’s declarations, commandments, teachings, and natural creation, (Rom. 12:1-2; 1:18-34; 2 Cor. 10:3-5.) This is also how they completely distorted the context and meaning of God’s Word to invent their own impenetrable ‘FIRMAMENT’ or ‘dome’ on top of their ‘flat thing.’ They actually have the audacity to supposedly ‘re-create’ God’s entire universe by capturing even the sun, moon, stars, and other planets under a solid ‘firmament;’ their steel/stone/crystal ‘dome,’ which seals the whole shebang on their flat place like a tub. Yet, God’s Scriptural context, form, and function of the real firmament is unmistakably specified in the natural creation-account of Genesis One. 


>  We really do not need ‘hundreds’ of randomly collected verses to incoherently refer to the ‘firmament,’ to understand what God said in Genesis Chapter one.  God’s Word in true context is absolutely sufficient for everything we need to know for now and all eternity. 

Genesis 1:6: “LET THERE BE A FIRMAMENT IN THE MIDST OF THE WATERS, [with waters all around it as it is submerged in water,] AND LET IT DIVIDE THE WATERS FROM THE WATERS.” There is no indication that this firmament can be a solid, impenetrable canopy, which will have to remain waterlogged (IN THE MIDST OF THE WATERS,) while it is still able to literally “DIVIDE THE WATERS FROM THE WATERS.” We are clearly discussing two different firmaments here. The solid dome firmament is totally impractical. I choose to understand the firmament God created in this verse.

Verse 7 EXPLAINS EXACTLY HOW AND WHY GOD CREATED THE FIRMAMENT: “THUS GOD MADE THE FIRMAMENT BY DIVIDING THE WATERS THAT WERE UNDER THE FIRMAMENT, [the waters or oceans that originally covered the entire dark earth in Genesis 1:2,] FROM THE WATERS THAT WERE ABOVE THE FIRMAMENT...” While God’s real, INTANGIBLE firmament remains submerged “IN THE MIDST OF THE WATERS,” its function is to ‘divide’ the waters that surround it from beneath and above. IF THIS WERE THE IMPENETRABLE FIRMAMENT OR ‘DOME’ OVER THE ‘FLAT THING,’ WHICH SEALS THE WHOLE UNIVERSE UNDER IT, HOW WILL THEIR ‘FIRMAMENT’ ACCOMMODATE THE WATERS THAT SURROUND THE DOME FROM BENEATH AND FROM ABOVE? THAT SOLID FIRMAMENT WILL CERTAINLY TURN THE ‘FLAT’ EARTH INTO A MASSIVE FISH BOWL AND DROWN EVERYTHING UNDER IT. And what will happen to THE “WATERS, [some say oceans,] ABOVE” the impenetrable firmament, as there is no way that oceans can be contained in outer space?

OH OF COURSE! They say outer space “does not exist!’ Outside their domed universe there is only ‘dark or black nothingness!’ But then this is another great contradiction, as their ‘flat thing,’ (containing the whole universe under its dome,) allegedly “constantly swoops upwards into ‘black nothingness” – supposedly through the never-ending oceans above it!’ So, where does outer space or their ‘water logged, black nothingness’ now suddenly come from? And how can ‘nothingness,’ which does not exist at all, contain oceans and a swooping fish-bowl universe under a dome? THERE CAN ONLY BE NOTHINGNESS IN NOTHINGNESS! SO, WHAT THEY ARE ACTUALLY SAYING IS THAT NEITHER THEIR ‘FLAT THING’ NOR THEIR ‘LITTLE UNIVERSE’ EXIST AT ALL. THUS, THEIR FOLLOWERS DO NOT HAVE AN ACTUAL PLACE TO LIVE! This illogical, non-existent ‘flat place’ will always remain incapable of sustaining life, and to create day, night, time, seasons (and ATMOSPHERE) in the way GOD actually explained it through the movement of the real earth in Genesis Chapter One! 

VERSE 8 CLARIFIES EXACTLY WHAT THE TRUE FIRMAMENT IS: “AND GOD CALLED THE [INTANGIBLE] FIRMAMENT ‘HEAVEN,’” [or SKY, not God’s dwelling place in the spirit world,] which can never be a solid, impenetrable, ‘universe-encapsulating, fish-bowl canopy over a flat earth that surges upwards into saturated, black ‘nothingness.’ Because God was preparing the dark, flooded earth of Genesis 1:1-2 to sustain life, He first created LIGHT on earth, (Genesis 1:3-5.) Then, in Genesis 1:6-8, God made the firmament “in the midst of the waters” by “dividing the waters,” which were under the firmament [the oceans,] from the waters which were above the firmament [in the sky.]”

> In reality, God created the Sky or Firmament as the outstretched, INFINITELY high, NATURAL ‘heavens’ above the earth to produce the atmosphere!  The unending “sky or firmament" is between the oceans on earth and the waters in the air; but it reaches beyond the atmosphere into infinity. The oceans on earth release evaporating water, (moisture or humidity in the air or atmosphere,) which rises to different altitudes with different temperatures in the sky or firmament. There, “IN THE FIRMAMENT IN THE MIDST OF THE WATERS,” ‘damp’ condensates to form droplets that form clouds, which are made up of rain, hail, and snow; (depending on altitude and temperature,) which fall to earth to repeat the cycle of WEATHER. Without the Heavens, Sky, or Firmament above the oceans, atmosphere, weather, and life would have been impossible on earth.  

Obviously, ‘HEAVEN’ above the oceans on earth is NOT a physical restriction of some kind over the earth. The notion of ‘heaven’ describes unrestricted boundlessness that reaches endlessly into the sky — WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THE LITERAL FIRMAMENT, ‘HEAVEN,’ OR ‘SKY’ ABOVE THE EARTH IS!

► ► ►  Genesis 2:4 concludes: “[THE GENESIS ACCOUNT] IS THE HISTORY OF THE HEAVENS, [THE SKY,] AND THE EARTH WHEN THEY WERE CREATED.” This declaration contains everything we can clearly see and a myriad of substances and things that are literal but invisible to the eye. It is totally ridiculous to even suggest that the ‘heavens’ of the vast, endless universe can be captured on a ‘flat-thing with an impenetrable dome on top!’

►  Genesis 1:9-10: The real firmament is part of nature on earth and not a separate solid thing or dome over the earth. This can also be seen in these two verses when God “divided” the waters that covered the earth, (Genesis 1:1-2,) from the land to create Earth and Sea. This is how, after creating the firmament or sky above the earth that was covered in water, The Lord proceeded to prepare the earth to sustain life.  He said, “Let the waters UNDER the heavens, [the exceedingly deep oceans that covered the whole earth, — which are now under the sky or firmament,] be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear, (Gen 1:2, 9-10.)  And God called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters He called seas.” 

►►►  Next, in Genesis 1:14, God made lights, (stars, the sun, and the moon,) and “placed them “IN” (NOT ‘ON’) THE FIRMAMENT OF THE “HEAVENS, [way beyond the atmosphere in the vast expanse of the firmament or sky that continues upwards,] TO DIVIDE THE DAY FROM THE NIGHT.” 

Genesis 1:14-15: Then God said, ‘Let there be lights [stars] IN the [highest altitudes of the] firmament or the heavens, [sky,] and let them [also intangibly] DIVIDE the day from the night.” [Surely, just as the firmament gaseously ‘divides’ the oceans from the clouds in the sky, the division between day and night is not an impenetrable division!] "And let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years.” By looking up into the sky or firmament we can clearly see and understand how to count the days, years, and seasons, just as God said in Romans 1:18-32!
  Genesis 1:16-17, “Then God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. Genesis 1:17, “And God set the [sun and moon] IN [not ‘on’] the firmament of the heavens, [the incredibly high sky,] to give light on the earth… and to DIVIDE the light from the darkness.” Again, this is not an impenetrable firmament but an intangible division.

Genesis 1:20: “Then God said, “LET THE WATERS [on earth] ABOUND WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF LIVING CREATURES, AND LET BIRDS FLY ABOVE THE EARTH ACROSS THE FACE OF THE [INTANGIBLE] FIRMAMENT OF THE HEAVENS, [OR IN THE SKY!]” Obviously, birds cannot fly among the little sun, moon, and stars that are imprisoned under a solid dome on the ‘flat place,’ or perch on a so-called 'solid firmament,' as nothing can get out from under that solid ‘dome,’ and there is only ‘nothingness’ above it!’

Psalm 19:1-2 confirm, “The heavens [sky] declare the glory of God: and THE FIRMAMENT SHOWS HIS HANDIWORK, [this is the SKY filled with clouds, and incredibly higher up, the stars, sun, and moon in the SKY that ‘stretches’ way beyond the atmosphere!]
"Day unto day utters speech [or testifies to God’s greatness that can be clearly seen in the vast ‘heaven’ or sky,] and night into night reveals knowledge [of God the Creator and the truth about His creation:" Romans 1:18-32.]” OF COURSE FLAT EARTHERS ABUSE THESE VERSES AS WELL! But just as birds cannot fly among the sun, moon, and stars, it is silly to believe that a solid ‘dome’ can contain the ‘heavens or sky,’ which stretches far above the atmosphere into infinity.

►  ►► All this immovable, inarguable Truth of God’s Word means: ‘Want to see how magnificent God and His global earth really is? Look up into the sky — the actual firmament!’ (Rom. 1:18-32.) To believe even one of the illogical, unscriptural impossibilities that describes their masonic flat earth agenda, (masonic orders are always behind all political and religious lies that control the minds of people,) we have to bank our brains in mindlessness to follow them into their dark ‘nothingness.’ How irresponsible and ungodly is that!



This individual constantly gives his masonic hand signs so clearly after nearly every false statement he makes, no one can misinterpret who he really is and that he belongs to the masonic god of all masons: Baphomet the devil.  This also proves that the flat-earth theory is masonic

Even more horrendously, Doka  proudly alleges that he himself is Jesus Christ, and he produces numerous Bible verses to ‘prove’ that blasphemy!  

Satanists preaching God’s true Word?  Antichrists debunking the ‘false dogma’ of the global earth?  Well…  let’s see.

The ‘firmament’ debate is not new to me. I had to face of with it in my study of the Bible distortions of Christian Creation Science and their disciple Kent Hovind, who even alleges that “Adam, Eve, and mosquitoes grew enormous and ‘became’ or actually ‘evolved’ into dinosaurs because of the ‘firmament’ or dome of “ice” that turned earth into a “tropical greenhouse.”  That firmament of ‘ice’ was supposedly destroyed at Noah’s flood. Here is a snip: “Christian Creation Science is a cultic religion, which is an adaptation of Darwin’s anti-god religion of evolution and the non-sustainable hydrogen theory of Isaac Vail and Carl E. Baugh.   Baugh alleged that earth was ‘encapsulated’ by a massive layer of ‘metallic hydrogen’ that created a ‘glass house effect.’  Kent Hovind, a so-called science teacher, changed that illogic hypothesis into a ‘double layer of ice between the sun and earth,’ but he later decided it was a ‘canopy of water,’ while he kept to the ‘dinosaur’ theory of masonic/illuminist Darwin and Baugh.”


Let’s test the antichrist mason Doka’s truth of the “impenetrable firmament” that captures the whole universe under their ‘impenetrable dome’ above their flat thing.  There cannot be “waters” above that “thing,” as there is no atmosphere in outer space — which allegedly does not ‘exist!”  

  Doka refers to only one verse, Genesis 1:6, to describe the firmament that God created in the beginning in Genesis.  And as seen in on this page,  Genesis 1:6-8 explain the real firmament perfectly, although that individual refuses to see that, of course.  While the real firmament clearly shows how God created the natural “SKY” on earth, (Genesis 1:7-8,) this antichrist mason says “true context” means to randomly collect the word ‘firmament’ across the whole Bible.  As also seen, this is absolutely NOT the context of the literal firmament of God’s Genesis creation. 

That Baphomet worshipper also uses Ezekiel 10:1 in ways that make one cringes. Here, the context of the ‘firmament’ is NOT in Genesis, but found in Ezekiel Chapters 8 & 9. It was actually recorded that Israel even worshiped Tammuz in the Hebrew temple: (Ezk. 8:14.)  And so, God planned “to slay the wicked.” The prophet then saw God in a spiritual vision in heaven.  He wrote: “And I saw there INSIDE [not ‘on’] the [spiritual] firmament… (exactly like IN the physical firmament or sky filled with clouds that is intangible,) the head of the cherubim [at God’s throne.]” 

THIS IS A VISION OF GOD’S SPIRITUAL BOUNDLESSNESS IN HEAVEN beyond our literal sky or firmament, which this individual turns into the literal firmament that God created on earth in Genesis 1:6-8.  How ridiculous is that! 

Furthermore, Ezekiel 10:1 says, “There appeared something like a sapphire stone, [an allegory of God’s glory NOT physical stone,] having the appearance of the likeness of a throne!”  This is definitely spiritual.  It is NOT that guy’s literal stone “firmament dome over a flat place.”  Above their impenetrable ‘dome’ or firmament is just ‘nothingness and darkness.  That means there is also no God in that ‘black nothingness.’  So, practically, the Real God of the Scriptures does not exist in their masonic picture of the universe and God’s eternal dwelling place in heaven.  In fact, this truth about God’s universe and His throne in heaven has nothing to do with a firmament of stone, ice, steel, or whatever solid thing those antichrist, anti-god, anti-creation, masonic liars can think up to place on top of their “domed place.”

Nevertheless, that antichrist masonic ‘pastor’ who calls himself Jesus Christ even abuses Revelation 4:6 among his “hundreds” of verses that prove their ‘flat thing!  This one states: “Before the throne [IN THE SPIRIT WORLD] there was an [allegorical] sea of glass, like crystal.  And in the midst of the throne and around it were four living creatures [holy angels] full of eyes in front and in back...”  Really, really, how can this be a literal firmament in a crystal sea above a tightly sealed dome over a flat disk? 

  Psalm 19:1 obliterates all these incredible ‘flat thing’ abuses with God’s Holiest Word.   It declares: “THE HEAVENS [WHICH GOD HIMSELF CALLED “THE SKY,” (Genesis 1:8,) declare the glory of God, and the [Heavens or] firmament SHOWS His handiwork.”  Although they also misinterpret this as their flat-place’s ‘dome,’ there is absolutely NO doubt: the firmament is the vast expanse of the sky. 

Psalm 19:2: Day unto day, [the perfect sequence of time that God created as seen in nature] utters speech, [declares God’s truth,] and night unto night, [looking up at the moon and stars into the infinite sky,] REVEALS KNOWLEDGE [ABOUT GOD AND HIS CREATION:]” (Rom. 1:18-32.)

This KNOWLEDGE is clearly seen and understood by looking at our perfect global earth, surrounded by God’s seemingly never-ending physical universe.  And with all this immovable, inarguable proof from God’s True, Contextual Word, (as found also in the truly contextual study on the flat earth that I did,) I now rest my case.  The ‘flat earth’ agenda is one of the most illogic, far-fetched masonic hoaxes in history! 


The Masonic, New Age Flat Earth deception 

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